Director’s Statement

Some Kind of Paradise is a story baked in desert sweat and drenched in deep purple neon. 

the generative image for this script came just after i moved to la. I was dancing alone in my bedroom and missing my partner very deeply.

I closed my eyes and a cowboy appeared in my mind’s eye. he was in the middle of a stage, thumbs hooked in the hem of his jeans, line dancing - alone. Those jeans were stained and dirty and the air was dusty and hot. There was a whole world inside that image…

after nearly a solid year of development, ‘SOME KIND OF PARADISE” now tells the story of Tyler, a lonely barman who comes face to face with his own deep need for tenderness when he meets a hollywood actor online and begins to fall in love. 

it is a story that explores myths of the American West - and one that poses questions as to whether men (gay or otherwise) might be a better presence in our wider world, if they could let in some of their own softness...

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